Resultados: 5

Saúde mental dos enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino

Rev. enferm. UFPE on line; 9 (supl.10), 2015
Objetivos: descrever os fatores que podem interferir na saúde mental do enfermeiro na unidade de terapia intensiva e discutir como a prática do cuidar interfere na saúde mental do enfermeiro. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem quantiqualitativa realizado com 12 enfermeiros que trabalham nas Unida...

Cuidados ao idoso com doença de Alzheimer: estudo descritivo - exploratório

OBJETIVOS: identificar sob a ótica do enfermeiro o cuidado ao idoso com Doença de Alzheimer e qual o principal desafio para sua realização. MÉTODO: estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo, realizado no período de agosto e setembro de 2017, com 15 enfermeiros atuantes na clínica médica mascul...

Classification and evaluation of the environment of the professional nursing practice in a teaching hospital

Objective: to classify and evaluate the environment of the professional nursing practice in a teaching hospital. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted with 188 nurses from a teaching hospital in the state of São Paulo, SP, Brazil. A questionnaire with sociodemographic and professional data and the ...

Workload of nurses: observational study of indirect care activities/interventions

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Observe the workflow of nurses in hospitalization units identifying indirect care activities/interventions; measure the frequency and average time spent in performing them; and to verify the associations between average time of the activities interventions grouped into categories and...

Conformity of nurse prescribing to care needs: nurses' understanding

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: investigate the understanding of nurses on nurse prescribing conformity to the care needs of hospitalized patients and factors associated with that conformity. Method: a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, was conducted at 20 in-patient units of a teaching hospital in t...